DIL Ghora Mast School is situated in the outskirts of Islamabad city and serves subsistence farming communities, where female literacy is below 30%. The school primary and middle grades provide an engaging learning environment for 250 children. Here are some inspiring stories from our school:
Afshan’s story
My name is Afshan. I am 15 years old and I am a DIL student. Going to school has changed my life. Unlike my elder sisters who were married by this age, I am happy to be in school. In my community, girls education is not considered good. But my opinion is that it is as important as for boys. I think education will be good for me and my family. I will be able to get a good job and support my family. My wish is that my school goes up to college level. I want to become a teacher and educate the girls in my community. I have 8 sisters and a brother about 8 months old.
Sumaira’s story
Teaching in DIL school has been special for me. The training has helped me to be able to teach and manage the class. The way we are trained is very different from other non-DIL and public schools. We are not just teaching out of textbooks but also trying to bring out creativity and positive behaviors in our students so that the students can prove themselves and face the world with confidence. Our girls are able to support themselves and their families.
Shabeena’s story
As a principal, I am responsible for recruiting the children in my community. In the beginning, my teachers and I went around the village door to door trying to convince to send their children to school, especially girls. The mothers were against the idea of their daughters being educated. Now, over a period of years, the community has changed and the people here value education. Girls who were sitting at home are now enrolled and continuing their education.
Focus on Girls :
Over 67% of DIL’s student population is female. The national literacy rate for women in Pakistan stands at 38%.
Addressing the Needs of Rural Educators and Students
Close to 70% of Pakistan’s population resides in resource-deficit rural areas.
Child-Centered Approach:
Child-centered education emphasizes creativity and critical thinking skills. DIL’s approach results in improved student retention and learning outcomes.
Activity-Based Lesson Plans:
In this inquiry-based approach, students develop knowledge and understanding through learning activities.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
The key to the success of DIL’s projects is a robust monitoring framework and complete financial transparency.