
Our Approach

The child has always been and will always be at the heart of what we do. Impelled by the belief that all children should have equal opportunity to reach their greatest potential, we are committed to delivering affordable high-quality education. Our synthesis of technologically driven learning, rigorous teacher training, tailored curricula, and project-based activities has enabled students to apply the concepts they learn to everyday life while exploring the farthest limits of their imagination.

DIL operates a total of 138 schools that currently serve over 29,000 students in Pakistan. Our schools are distributed across 11 projects covering 3 provinces (Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Punjab) and 1 federal territory (Islamabad Capital Territory or ICT).

Moreover, 107 out of our 138 schools, which amounts to 78% of our network, are managed in partnership with the Pakistani government across four national sectors, one of which is under the aegis of the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE).


Child-Friendly Schools

Our schools are safe spaces for students’ social, intellectual, and emotional flourishing. Centering children means not only laying emphasis on gender sensitivity and inclusion, but also encouraging them to be active leaders in classroom assignments, co-curricular activities, and IT-based projects.

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Technology-Driven Learning

Rural areas lag in educational quality for many reasons, including a dearth of local language and learning materials. We harness the power of Technology Enabled Academic Learning (TEAL) to integrate classroom media into the existing curriculum, enhancing students’ understanding of core subjects.

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Teaching to Teach

We believe in continuous, ongoing teacher development, focusing on thorough content knowledge and proven pedagogical skills, both of which help propel student participation and critical thinking. Training involves, among other things, a synthesis of in-person peer coaching, blended learning, customized training modules, and teacher monitoring mechanisms.

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Localized Curricula

Our curriculum is a comprehensive package of localized materials that aid students’ ability to reflect critically, think creatively, and work collaboratively. DIL’s curriculum package sequences subject topics throughout the year to incorporate content (what to teach) into pedagogy (how to teach), relieving the teachers of the time-consuming task of lesson planning.

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To maximize students’ reading comprehension in English, our Read to Grow, Read to Know (RGRK) program trains students on android tablets designed for easy reading, giving them ample time to enjoy hearing and reading leveled e-books. These tablets are a low-cost, innovative way to get roughly 300 engaging stories into the hands of each reader at schools where library space is limited.

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Career Preparation

We ready our students for the workforce by equipping them with the analytical and quantitative skills they need to thrive in their professional lives. A premium is placed on having a strong command of English, knowledge requisite to success in Pakistan. Upon graduating, several DIL students have enrolled at institutions as renowned as Fatima Jinnah Medical University and Sukkur IBA University.

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